Yaroslav Kosytsia

With over three years of experience as a Frontend Developer in the IT industry, I have gained extensive expertise in both development and teaching, particularly in HTML/CSS. Throughout my career, I have actively contributed to the growth of aspiring developers by conducting more than 20 intensive Bootcamp sessions and over 18 Frontend online sessions. I have also organized workshops focused on JavaScript training.

In recognition of my knowledge and skills, I was invited to speak at a conference organized by GoIT, where I delivered a presentation on "Navigating the Dynamics of Web Studio Work." Additionally, I conducted a workshop specifically tailored for designers, highlighting the importance of collaboration between designers and web developers.

Currently, I am engaged as a co-author, working diligently on developing a comprehensive course titled "Mastering the SASS Preprocessor." This course aims to equip learners with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in utilizing SASS for efficient and scalable web development projects.

My diverse experiences as both a developer and educator have solidified my expertise in the field, enabling me to provide valuable insights and deliver high-quality educational content to learners and aspiring professionals in the frontend development domain.



2011 – 2012

Master's in Accounting and Auditing

Poltava State Agrarian Academy


Front-end developer


2021 – Present

Tutor on the bootcamp and front-end online courses


2021 – Present

Front-end developer


2020 – 2021

Courses taught

Front End UI/UX Development

Front End UI/UX Development
