75 hours | 3 ECTS
Tuition cost:
100 USD

Award in Business Negotiations

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Business Administration
Fully Online
Student education requirement
Undergraduate (Bachelor’s)
Standard length
1 month
Standard delivery length
1 month
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\ Overview

Managers require a broad array of negotiating skills to implement business solutions – this requires advanced knowledge of negotiation models, the competence to select the right strategy, and the tactical skills to achieve desired outcomes through negotiation.

In addition to studying key negotiation theories, the module develops skills in negotiation, providing students with the opportunity to test and improve their abilities through discussions that model negotiation scenarios, through the use of case studies, and through reflection and feedback.

Students will review and test various approaches to negotiated conflict resolution (at small personal scales and large organisational scales). The module builds competencies in developing an effective professional and personal style of negotiation.

75 hours | 3 ECTS

Tier 1:

75 hours | 3 ECTS

Business Negotiations

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\ Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge acquired by the learner at the end of the course:
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following: a) Negotiation models and key tactical steps. b) Key strategies that have been developed for applying negotiation strategies to business scenarios. c) Topics for the advanced management of business negotiations. d) Diverse scholarly views on the role of negotiations in business outcomes. e) Theoretical negotiation models for diverse business situations.
Skills acquired by the learner at the end of the course:
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills: a) Autonomously gather material and organise it into a coherent, comprehensive presentation on negotiation. b) Test and improve their abilities through group discussions that model negotiation scenarios. c) Creatively apply the theories learned in the module to develop critical and original solutions for the challenges of business negotiations. d) Apply in-depth domain-specific knowledge and understanding to business negotiations.
Competencies acquired by the learner at the end of the course:
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to: a) Create synthetic contextualised discussion of key issues related to business negotiations. b) Demonstrate the competence to select a fitting negotiation strategy for specific situations. c) Apply a professional and scholarly approach to theories and case studies of business negotiations. d) Efficiently manage interdisciplinary issues that arise in connection with running a business and handling business negotiations. e) Demonstrate self-direction in research and originality in assessing and proposing negotiation strategies. f) Be prepared to take leadership decisions related to business negotiations.

Are you ready to take the next step towards your academic success?

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