75 hours | 3 ECTS
Tuition cost:
100 USD

Award in Working with Others

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Business Administration
Fully Online
Student education requirement
Undergraduate (Bachelor’s)
Standard length
1 month
Standard delivery length
1 month
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\ Overview

In this module students will deepen and extend their ability to create and maintain high-quality relationships with people who come from a wide range of backgrounds and possess different points of view in order to create and execute processes that produce successful outcomes and results.

This module teaches business managers and leaders to reflect critically on concepts from the behavioural sciences that can be applied to a fast changing business environment to improve their abilities to lead and manage in organisations.

Behavioural frameworks for individuals, teams, and organisations are evaluated critically and discussed in the context of real-world cases. Tutorial groups provide practice in problem-based teamwork, communicating in specialist and non-specialist registers, and in applying the frameworks in practice.

75 hours | 3 ECTS

Tier 1:

75 hours | 3 ECTS

Working With Others

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\ Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge acquired by the learner at the end of the course:
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following: a) Critical knowledge of how high-quality business relationships can produce successful outcomes and results. b) Key strategies for using business relationships to generate successful business outcomes. c) Select topics in behavioural frameworks for individuals, teams, and organisations for the advanced management of business relationships. d) Diverse scholarly views on business relationships and their role in successful business outcomes. e) The relevance of relationship theories for business applications in the domain of business relationships.
Skills acquired by the learner at the end of the course:
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills: a) Autonomously gather material and organise it into a coherent, comprehensive presentation on the role of high-quality relationships in successful business outcomes. b) Employ the standard modern conventions for the presentation of scholarly work and scholarly referencing in discussions of business relationships. c) Creatively apply the theories learned in the module to develop critical and original solutions for case studies of business relationships. d) Apply an in-depth domain-specific knowledge and understanding to business relationships, using concepts learned in the course (such as concepts from the behavioural sciences) for the cultivation of high-quality business relationships.
Competencies acquired by the learner at the end of the course:
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to: a) Create synthetic contextualised discussions of key issues related to business relationships. b) Apply a professional and scholarly approach to research problems pertaining to the cultivation of business relationships in order to create results. c) Efficiently manage interdisciplinary issues that arise in developing relations with people who come from a wide range of backgrounds. d) Demonstrate self-direction and originality in solutions developed for managing high-quality business relationships. e) Act autonomously in identifying research problems and solutions related to business relationships. f) Solve problems and be prepared to take leadership decisions related to business relationships, both on a personal level, and relationships between companies.

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