Mike Bank

Mike started his career as an M&A banker at Citigroup in London in 2006. He secured the role despite no background in finance and has been coaching others in identifying and landing their dream jobs in the industry ever since. Mike moved to the buy side as an active angel and early stage VC investor in 2011 before launching a venture studio in 2014. He is a fund LP, 2x VC-backed founder and was also an early participant in Antler VC’s startup accelerator. He now runs Underdog Accelerator, supporting hundreds of founders to launch world changing startups.

Mike's career in ~5-year sprints:

(i) investment banking (M&A at Citigroup);

(ii) startup investing (hands-on angel, Associate / Principal @ #1seed VC, venture fund & accelerator LP);

(iii) venture building (ran an incubator, Antler alumnus, 2x VC-backed founder);

(iv) accelerating early-stage founders + leading teams in launching innovative initiatives at Underdog Accelerator.

I specialise in the earliest stage of venture building. I have helped launch or turn around scores of businesses over the last 15 years. These range from solopreneur-run lifestyle businesses to VC-backed tech startups. Timing is everything. My aim is to come in and shake things up in 90 days or less - whether that's helping you start a new business or turning round your existing venture. I provide a mix of no-nonsense strategic advice and functional, operational insights. This can include designing and implementing any required changes to your team dynamics.

EIR / Founder Mentoring.

In 2023 I launched Underdog Ventures to support solo founders launch startups from scratch. More info: UnderdogAccelerator.comI also spent twelve months helping 100+ early stage founders as an EIR at Oneday.io

Guest Lecturing.

Separately, I am a visiting lecturer at leading business schools across the UK and Europe under the iLovetobe brand, with a focus on careers in finance, VC and entrepreneurship. I was also one of the first members of the faculty for Oneday's MBA programme.


Professional expert

2006 – Present




2020 – Present

Courses taught

Measurement and Product Adoption

Measurement and Product Adoption


Implementation and Product Introduction

Implementation and Product Introduction


Inspiration and Product Creation

Inspiration and Product Creation
